Monday 10 September 2012

Hack Off!!

It's been an unrelenting 6 weeks... another one is the Brazilian and Swansea hackers on my computer...

A 'Brave' decison for a party

I was recently commissioned to deliver a 'Brave' themed party within the City of Edinburgh. The new Brave film is great fun and my party was great fun to deliver too! The large group of  boys and girls enjoyed the arts and crafts with great gusto! I can't wait to share the photo's when I get them.

My eldest daughter continues to learn the practical ropes of my business and has been working alongside me since June.

I can provide party entertainment and craft which covers a general 'party' theme, for those that are not incorporating fancy dress or themed partyware!

As a reminder, I currently deliver seven 'themed' parties which are suitable for tots - teenagers covering the themes of:
Circus Skills
Knights and Princesses (excluding teens)
Cow Boys & Cow Girls
Polar Ice
Space Oydessy